The Australian Government’s Global Talent Independent program (GTI) targets highly skilled and talented individuals and is designed to attract the best and brightest skilled migrants to Australia. If this sounds like you, contact us now!
The Department is looking for individuals who are skilled in one of the seven target sectors and are able to earn a salary that meets the fair work high-income threshold or be a high a performing recent PhD, Masters or Honours graduate.
The high-income threshold is adjusted every financial year, and it is the amount set by Fair Work Australia. This year, the threshold is at $153,600.
The Department will assess the applicant’s ability to earn the threshold through:
The applicant’s current salary
Job offer outlining the salary
Recent PhD or Masters graduates in the target sectors.
Steps in a Global Talent Independent (GTI) Program application nominated by ACS:

If your occupation one of the following:
261111 ICT Business Analyst
261313 Software Engineer
261312 Developer Programmer
135111 Chief Information Officer
135112 ICT Project Manager
263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer
263112 Network Administrator
263211 ICT Quality Assurance Engineer